Softwares, Hacks, PTC, Tips And Tricks = !! Details..........................................................



HJSplit is a popular set of freeware file-splitting programs created by in collaboration with various programmers. HJSplit supports many platforms (Windows XP, Vista, NT, 2000, 3.x, 95/98/ME, DOS, Amiga, Java, etc.). All versions are compatible with each other and allow you to exchange files between these different platforms. E.g. a file split on the Amiga can be joined on Windows 2000 and vice versa.

Now what's the use of a program like HJSplit? Think of a file of 20 Mb, and try to send this to a friend. Using email this does not succeed, it is simply too large, and how to put it onto a floppy? HJSplit will enable you to split the large file into smaller chunks, which can be much more easily sent and stored.

What about a backup of very large Gigabyte sized files? HJSplit (Windows and Java version) also can handle these! E.g. HJSplit allows you to split a 10 Gb file into 640 Mb parts, which can then be stored onto CD-Rom's by your CD-writer software.

Of course HJSplit can join these split parts back together again, so that the original file is restored. Alternatively, you can use HJJoin for this, which is a tiny and specialized program for joining files.

HJSplit is very reliable, simple, small and easy to use. It does not need any installation or complicated DLLs, it just consists of one '.exe' file.
This means
that you can also run it directly from a floppy or CD-Rom.


PC Tools AntiVirus ver. Free Rus

PC Tools AntiVirus ver. Free Rus :
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Win7Codecs 1.3.3 Final

Win7Codecs 1.3.3 Final

Win7codecs - ����� ������������ ����� ������������������ ��������, ��������������� ��� ��������� �������� ������� � ���������. �� �� �������� ������� �������������� �������������� � �� ������ ��������� ���������� ������ �� ���������. ����� ����, ��� ��������� �� ������������� ������� ���������� ������ � ������� �� ������������ �� ��������� ��� ����������� ������ �������������.

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���������/��: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
��� �������: 2009
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������ / Size: 24 Mb :
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WinTuning 7 v1.01 Rus

WinTuning 7 v1.01 Rus

��������� WinTuning 7 ������������� ��� ������� � ������ ���������, ����������� � ������� ������� Windows 7. WinTuning 7 �������� ��������� ������������� �� ��������� �������, ������� ��������� ����������, ������� ���������� ����� ����������� ���������. ��� ��������� ����������� ���������� ��� �� Windows 7.

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16/09/09 �������� WinTuning 7 ������ 1.01.
- �������� ����� ������ WinTuning 7 Clients Control Center (WT7 3C). WT7 3C - ��� ����� �������, ���������� �� ������-��������� ����������, ��� ��������� � ����������� ���������� ����������� ��������� ���� �������� ����� ������. �� ������� ��������������� WT7 3C, ����� ������ "������� ������ ���������� ��������� WinTuning 7 (WT7 3C)" ����� ����� �������� ���� ���������.

OC: Windows 7
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Office 2007 Enterprise

Office 2007 Enterprise BLUE

Office 2007 Enterprise


* Mcft Office Access 2007
* Mcft Office Excel 2007
* Mcft Office Groove 2007
* Mcft Office InfoPath 2007
* Mcft Office OneNote 2007
* Mcft Office Outlook 2007
* Mcft Office PowerPoint 2007
* Mcft Office Publisher 2007
* Mcft Office Word 2007

This is the copy from the original disk, which is (as said before) only accessible to technicians of Mcft. This version of Mcft Office 2007 will never appear for sale, since this is the only version where there is no need for a serial. This version also doesn't need an activation. The installer is very simple, undetailed and handy.
The interface of application is completely changed, it is modernized and practically reminds in no way to the previous versions.In a few minutes the software will be installed on your computer, without any questions or other things that slow down the installation.

Install Notes:

1. Burn / Mount iso
2. Run / Autorun setup.exe
3. Wait for it to auto install office without you having to hit next or anything
4. Hit finish
5. Enjoy a fully activated copy of office with no messy keys / cracks!

USE HJSPLIT for joining all the parts
Get HJSPLIT, Winrar 3.70, Daemon Tool(Image Mounting Ware) here.

Rocket Torrents Pro 5.3 Pro 2009 Rus

Rocket Torrents Pro 5.3 Pro 2009 Rus

Rocket Torrents Pro ������c� ����o� �����������o� �����a����, ����p�� ��e� ��� ��c��� � c���e ��� 12 ���������� ���������X mp3-����������, �����p������, �����o�, ���, �p����e���, ���� � �.�. � �.�. Rocket Torrents Pro - ��� �������� �p��o�e��e, ������� ��������� ����e�� ���������.
�������� ����������� ��������� Rocket Torrents Pro:
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Letitbit: �������
Depositfiles: �������
Rapidshare: �������

Videos Daylight 3.3

Videos Daylight 3.3

Videos Daylight - ��� ������ ��������� � ��� ����. ��������� ������������� ��� ��������� �������, ������������, �����������, �������� � �.�. Videos Daylight �������� � ���� ���� ����� 7 ����� ������� � ������������ � �� ����� ����������� ������ ���� � ������� "�������". ��� ��������� ����� ����� ���� ������� �������� ����� � �� ����� �� ������� ��� ��������. Videos Daylight ������� ��� ������������ �������� ������ ����� ������ ����, ��� �������� � �����.

��� �������: 2009
������������ �������: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
���� ����������: �������
���������: �� ���������

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Exotic Aquarium 3D Screensaver

Exotic Aquarium 3D Screensaver

�������� ���� ������� ���� ��������� � ���� ��������� � ������������� ������������ ������� � ������� �������������� �������.
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���������: Windows All
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Xilisoft DVD Ripper Ultimate Portable

Xilisoft DVD Ripper Ultimate Portable

�������� ������ � DVD �� ������ ����. ��� ���� ����� �������������� ����������� � ����� ����� ������. ��������� ��������� ������� ���� ���������, ������� ���� �� ����� ���������� �������, ������������� ���� Dolby Surround, ������� ������� �����. ����� �����, ��������� ����������� ��� ���������� � � ����������� �� ����� �������� ��������� �������� ��������. Xilisoft DVD Ripper ��������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� � ��������� ��������� �������� �������������� ������.

- ���������� ����� �� DVD � DivX, AVI, MPEG, WMV, RM, MOV, XviD, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, ASF � ������ ����� �������
- ���������� ����� �� DVD � MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG � ������ ����� �������
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��.����: Xilisoft
���������|��� ���: �� ��������� (Portable)
���� ����������: english
���������/��: Windows 2000/2003/XP and Windows Vista

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SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 2

SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 2

�������� �������� ��� ������ � ���������. � ������ �������� ������: ���-�������, ����������� �������� � ��������� ������, ���-������ ��� IRC-������� � HTML-��������. �������� ������� �������� ���� (�������), ��������� ���� ����� ��������� � ����� ���� ��������� ��������� ������. ����� ����� ������� ��������� ����������� ����, ����� ��������� �������� ��������, ������������ ����� ������ �� ��������.
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������������ �������: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Server 2003
���� ����������: ������������
��� ��������: FreeWare

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* Apple iPod, iPhone, Apple TV (MP4)
* Sony PSP (MP4)
* Zune from Microsoft (WMV, MP4)
* Epson portable media players (MP4)
* Creative Zen portable media players (WMV)
* Archos portable media players (WMV)
* BlackBerry (MP4)
* Other PDAs/Pocket PCs (WMV, MP4)
* Cell phones (3GP, 3GP2, MP4)

Convert online video and go portable with Movavi Video Converter
- Use Movavi Video Converter to download and convert online video

* Convert video – including HD format – from a whole range of popular video-sharing websites right inside our handy video format converter.

* NEW! Unlike ordinary video format converters, Movavi Video Converter supports H.264 codec, a format used by more & more online video sharing sites. Just hit the "+URL" button to set the conversion going - with Movavi Video Converter, there's no limitation to online video conversions!

Specify quality level and other output settings as you convert video
- Get the exact results you want when you convert videos using this video converter software - without any special knowledge!

* With Movavi Video Converter's 'Target Quality' option, you can specify the quality and size of the output file in one click: just choose the output format you need, move the slider, and our video file converter will calculate the output file size for the chosen quality level.

* NEW! Now you can convert videos to different formats at once. To define a format or special format settings for multiple copies of one video file use new 'Duplicate' button.

* While beginners wanting to convert video will love all the video converter's ready-made presets - for all popular formats - advanced users will appreciate greater control over their video converting,
with the ability to manually select all the parameters of the output video. So whether you're experienced or just starting out our video file converter puts the power in your hands.

Save videos to CDs and DVDs in the burning mode of the video converter
- Movavi Video Converter gives you full control over the burning process

* Burn video to CD and DVD right inside this video file converter using the embedded burner.

* Choose from more than a dozen static and animated DVD themes to create a professional-looking menu that grabs your viewers' attention!

* Customize your DVD menu: add your own .mp3 background audio and loop video inside a theme.

Improve video quality, tweak your video with the video converter's editing tools
- Our video file converter allows you not only to rip video, but also to cut, merge, crop, rotate, adjust and add watermarks

Movavi Video Converter is the only video converter software to include these editing tools. Now you can not only rip video with this amazing video format converter, but also perform basic editing and adjust video quality. Now that's what you call a powerful video format converter!

* Crop video quickly and easily to create a specific rectangular area within the video. Ideal if you need to convert video to a different screen size.

* Rotate video by 90, 180, or 270 degrees - useful if you need to convert video from a device that rotates captured video.

* Improve video quality with professional filters to solve the most common problems as you convert video files.

* Add Watermark - overlay text or a graphic logo. A must-have feature for advanced video converter software users!

Save time with efficient video converting technology of this video file converter
- Movavi Video Converter speeds up video converting by helping you get the most out of your hardware

* Support for multi-core processors means video converting is faster than ever!

* Batch conversion saves time by letting you convert video files and DVDs in batches. That means you can use the video file converer to convert video files in groups, i.e. multiple videos at once.

* Convert video while you sleep. Need to do a lot of video converting e.g. a whole library of high quality video files? Just let Movavi Video Converter do it for you while you sleep. When it's done, the video format converter will close itself and power down your computer safely.

Download DeskTube Desktop Application To Watch YouTube Video Clips Without Browser

If logging to YouTube video sharing site via your Internet Exploer, Safari or Firefox browser is still considered tedious and sluggish, DeskTube, the so called YouTube desktop application perhaps has the answer for you. DeskTube, like its name suggests, is a free desktop application which combines Desktop and YouTube functions to give YouTube enthusiasts instant access to the video site just by double clicking the application on the desktop.

DeskTube allows users to access all the YouTube functions via its simple and cleaner interface. Users can search video, copy video url, copy embed code, add comments, view video information and check related videos via the application.
YouTube users can log in to their accounts to upload videos, post comments, and check out personal playlists and subscriptions. Furthermore, DeskTube has also collaborated with a few social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace to allow users to interact and communicate with their friends via its video chat feature and quick access to these sites.

DeskTube offers users a quick and straightforward video browsing experience to enjoy YouTube video clips and communicate with friends in a unique way without opening a browser. Users can enjoy chatting and sharing interesting video clips with friends simultaneously. The overall performance of this application is quite stable and satisfactory. Users need to preinstall Adobe AIR app prior to installing it.

Download DeskTube via the link here.

View The Deleted Video Clips from YouTube

Sometimes due to violation of YouTube terms or copyright infringement, some video clips from YouTube will have been removed. YouTube will prompt you with some irritating messages such as: “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claimed by ABC Company”. What can you do when you see this annoying message?
The video clips that you intend to view might contain something interesting but impropriate, e.g. sex, porno, political scandals, etc. What can you do to view the deleted, erased, private or flagged video clips anyway?

In our previous post, we have highlighted the possibility of using Delutube to watch the deleted, private or flagged YouTube. Technically if a controversial video was officially removed or deleted from YouTube, the clip might still be kept on one of YouTube’s or Google’s servers for a short period of time. You can view the deleted or inaccessible video clips by entering the Youtube Video ID. Read Watch Deleted, Private or Flagged YouTube Video Clips with Delutube.

Besides Delutube, there are a few other deleted YouTube viewers you can perhaps try: -

You can find some deleted or removed video clips from these websites. You can search for the deleted clips by name or by ID. However, these websites may contain adult content that is illegal for below age viewers.

TubeMall UndeleTube

UndeleTube is another service provided to view the removed video clips from YouTube. It works pretty well.

Auto Login to Windows Without Entering Password

When you access to your Windows, either Windows Vista or Windows XP, you will be greeted by a welcome page. You need to enter your users or admin password to go in to the Windows. This process is mainly designed for security purposes.
However, if you feel that going through this process is a bit irritated and annoyed, you can actually personalized your PC by allowing you to login automatic to your Windows without entering the password.

Log in page

You can auto login to your Windows via the following steps: -

For Windows XP
1. Go to start > RUN
2 Type control userpasswords2 in the run box prompted out

3. Select the user from which you want to login automatically and uncheck the box “Users must enter a username and password to use this computer”.

4. Enter the password of the account in the box

5. Click ok

For Window Vista:
1. Go to start
2. Type netplwiz in the search box
3. Select the user from which you want to login automatically and uncheck the box “Users must enter a username and password to use this computer”.
4. Enter the password of the account in the box.
5. Click ok

Once you have done it, you will login automatically whenever you access your computer.

Easily Login to Windows XP with No Password Administrator Account Backdoor Trick

In password-protected Windows XP Home or Professional edition system, each user logs on to his or her own user name and password to have full access to the Windows computer. However, Windows user or administrator can still log in to the Windows XP machine without knowing the original password, if they have lost or forgotten the user ID or password, by using various bypass or crack method such as using DreamPackPL to bypass the need to logon using valid account or password, crack or brute force retrieve the Windows passwords for various user or administrator account with Ophcrack2, and using third party services such as Login Recovery to retrieval and recovery of Windows user name and passwords. However, there is one simpler method to hack into a Windows XP system, if the computer owner installed Windows XP, and forgot or not set the Administrator account password.

By default installation, Windows XP has a built-in Administrator account which equivalent to root or superuser privilege account in Linux or Unix that contains no password. In other word, hacker or any people can simply key in Administrator as user name at the Windows Logon Welcome Screen prompt with blank password (no password) and get full administrative access as superuser to the Windows PC. Worse, most computer owners don’t even know such an Administrator account is actually existed, don’t even mentioned they will create or set a password for Administrator user account.

So this security vulnerability flaw provides an easy way to hack into any Windows XP computer that the user forgets or simply does not set a password for the Administrator user ID.
The problem is that in normal Windows XP Welcome Screen where you choose which user name you want to log onto, the Administrator user name is not displayed and is not shown. If you can’t choose or select the Administrator from the login screen, then how are you going to log-in with the Administrator account? The following video clip provides a simple hack and trick.

Basically, at Windows XP Welcom Screen, simply press Ctrl-Alt-Del keys sequence together twice, and you will be shown a Log On to Windows menu which you can specify User Name and Password. In the User Name text box, key in “Administrator” (without quote) and leave the Password field blank. Then press Enter or click on OK. If there is not password protects the Administrator account, or blank password is set, then you will be able to access the Windows with full administrative privileges as Administrator.

Link Up Facebook With Google, Yahoo or MySpace Account For Auto-Login

Having many login IDs and passwords is encouraged in terms of security but it might not be a good approach for absent minded people. Nowadays, users have accounts in Youtube, Facebook, Yahoo, Google, etc. and this can translate into a huge hassle if users were to check each account every day. Having to log in to the account with the right user name, and remembering the corresponding password can lead to mishaps especially if users are not using their own laptops or desktops with pre-saved names and passwords. For easy and quick login, the social networking website, Facebook, now allows users to link their account with Google, Yahoo or MySpace. In other words, when users sign in to their Google account, e.g Gmail, they will be able to automatically login to their Facebook account without having to type in their login ID and password again.

To link up the Facebook account with their Google, Yahoo or MySpace account, users need to login to Facebook and go to Settings -> Account Settings.
In the Account Settings page, click on to the “Linked Account” item. Users are given a choice of linking their Facebook to Google, Yahoo, MySpace or other open IDs.

To add link to their Google account, for instance, users just need to select Google in the scroll down list. Users will thence be prompted a new window which seeks users’ permission whether to allow or disallow the linking. Clicking on the “Allow” button will thence allow the social networking site to link to users’ Google account.

RapidShare Link Checker Link Checker is a tool to check and verify the validity, availability and existence of files hosted and shared on 1-click web hosting service. The utility is useful when you have a list of RapidShare-URLs or download links, where all files must still available for download to be useful.
Using Link Checker, all download links will be checked to see if the link still working and all files exist on RapidShare servers.

If the file does not exist, the link will be shown in red. If the file exists but the server is down, the file will be shown in yellow. If the file is available for download, the link will be shown in green.

Enter one full RapidShare sharing URL per line in the box below, e.g, and then press “Check URLs” button.

Powered by RapidShare.

Malicious Software Removal Tools by Microsoft

Microsoft released its Windows Malicious Software Removal Tools lately. This removal tool can check whether computers running under Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 are infected by any specific or prevalent malicious software or Malware which can damage your computer such as Blaster, Sasser and Mydoom.
Once the removal tool has completed the detection and removal process, the tool will report the action outcome whether any Malware has been detected and removed. The tool will thence create a log file named mrt.log in the %WINDIR%\debug folder. The monthly update of this removal tool will soon be available from Microsoft. Users can set the automatic update features to Automatic in order to get the latest update version automatically delivered and installed.

User can review the KB article, KB890830, for the list of malicious software that the current version of the tool is capable of removing as well as usage instructions. Also, please be aware that this tool reports anonymous information back to Microsoft in the event that an infection is found or an error is encountered. The above KB article contains information on how to disable this functionality and what specific information is sent to Microsoft. Users are also advised to review KB article, KB891716, before deploying this tool in an enterprise environment.

Download the x64 version of Malicious Software Removal Tool via the link here.

Activate and Enable iPhone as Internet Tethering Wireless Modem Without Hack or Jailbreak

Apple has built Internet tethering capability to iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3G S in its newest iPhone OS software 3.0. Internet tethering allows iPhone owners to use iPhone as wireless modem or dongle device to connect the PC or notebook computer to Internet for surfing and browsing. However, for commercial purpose, Internet tethering is disabled or blocked by default, as most mobile network carriers or operators want to charge extra fee for Internet tethering privilege, although existing service plans already allow certain limited bandwidth or even unlimited amount of data downloads.

Instead of paying excessive amount of money (most in the high 10s) in addition to the already-overpriced iPhone plan price, there was a fews hacks to enable Internet tethering on jailbroken iPhone previously. With built-in support for Internet gateway tethering in iPhone with the release of iPhone OS software 3.0, there is a very simple hack for iPhone OS 3.0 upgrader to enable Internet tethering, without paying anything extra or subscription fee to the mobile operator, and without jailbreak or unlock.

How to Activate and Enable Free Internet Tethering on iPhone 3.0

  1. Run Safari mobile web browser on the iPhone.
  2. Optional: If you want to generate your own mobileconfig with custom APN, username and password with Mobileconfig Generator, visit

    In most case, just visit the next link directly, as the configuration files for most mobile carriers around the world have been prepared. If you’re following this link, click on Mobileconfigs.

  3. Visit the following Mobileconfigs website:


  4. Select your country.

  5. Select your mobile service provider.

  6. Tap Install to install new profile.

  7. Select Install Now to download and install new profile.

  8. On iPhone interface, go to Settings -> General -> Network -> Internet Tethering.

  9. Set Internet Tethering to On.

  10. If prompted that Bluetooth is off, select Turn on Bluetooth or USB Only according to your preference.

  11. Internet tethering is enabled, connect iPhone to PC computer via USB or Bluetooth to start connecting to Internet though iPhone as tethered Internet gateway modem, with typical mobile broadband connection speed, normally up to around 1.4 Mbps. Meanwhile, iPhone will glow blue too.

    Note: Tethering computer through USB to iPhone to access Internet is much easier. Normally, Windows or Mac system will automatically recognize the tethered iPhone, and create require network connection to take advantage of the shared Internet access via iPhone. For Bluetooth connection, other than usual pairing, user also has to select “Connect to Network” from the Bluetooth device option in order to access the Internet from desktop or notebook/laptop computer via tethered iPhone.

Actually, the hack can be performed manually by iPhone owner himself or herself. The profile download link above provides easiest and most convenient way to activate and enable Internet Tethering without hassle though. is gathering all these publicly available information such as APN (access point name) and password for the iPhone for many network across the world, and create a XML based profile by using Apple’s iPhone Configuration Utility.
The hosted iPhone tethering configuration profiles is pushed to the handsets of iPhone users who download the profile, and instant activates the tethering system free of charge.

After downloading and installing the new Internet tethering enabled profile, some users may report MMS and/or VVM (Visual Voicemail) problem, where MMS or Visual Voicemail stops working. To fix the MMS and VVM not working after enabling Internet tethering error, go to Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings. After the short reset, iPhone should be able to be used for MMS, Voicemail and Internet tethering.

Invisible Secrets 4.6

Click this bar to view the full image.

nvisible Secrets 4.6

Invisible Secrets not only encrypts your data and files for safe keeping or for secure transfer across the net, it also hides them in places that on the surface appear totally innocent, such as picture or sound files, or web pages.

3.8 MB
Secrets 4.6 .rar.html
No Password

How To Do Mail Bombing

In internet terminology “mail bombing” is referred to an act of sending or forwarding huge amounts of email to a particular person’s mailbox or system. By mail bombing somebody’s mail box, you can actually fill up or overflow or overwhelm the recipient’s mailbox space. It can create great inconvenience to the recipient and cause the recipient’s server to have technical faults such as stop functioning, becoming slow, etc. Many people are of the opinion that mail bombing somebody’s mail box is an unethical behavior and the sender should be hung, quartered and disembowelled.

Having said that, something that is seemingly bad may not necessary be so if used correctly at the right place and the right time. If you know the mail bombing skill, the skill will help you when you are required to send huge amount of email to a particular person. Take this scenario, for instance: if you have quarreled with your girl friend and she insists you write 100 apology letters to her, then you will find this skill extremely useful.

There is a small trick here that tells you how to send out an enormous amount of email to a particular person. It is free and quite easy to use. However, this trick is only workable if you use Yahoo Email Service. We have tested it with Gmail and it is not workable. To initiate this trick, of course you need to register as a user with Yahoo Mail. Login to Yahoo Mail and click “Compose” to write a new email message.

In the “To” field of the new email message, type in the email address of your target recipient. In this case, we use Copy the same email and paste ten times or MORE (as required). Make sure each address is separated by a comma.

For instance:

Subsequently, you need to capitalize one letter or a few letters in each email address. You must capitalize different letters or group of letters so that no two addresses are the same.


If you send this email out, your target recipient will receive 10 emails from you. As mentioned earlier, this trick is only workable by using Yahoo Mail Service. If you use Gmail Service and duplicate the same,
then the recipient will only receive one email and not 10 emails.
If you want to make more email, what you need to do is select the 10 email addresses which you have capitalized and then paste them to another new email. If you duplicate the same process 10 times, the recipient will receive 100 similar emails from you.

This knowledge is not meant for rampant bombing of your friends or colleagues’ mail box. Your Yahoo Account will be terminated if your recipient makes a complaint to Yahoo!

Windows XP SP3 Final lite 2008 v3.0 Very fast Windows

Click this bar to view the full image.

Windows XP SP3 Final lite 2008 v3.0 | ISo | 177 MB

Very fast Window XP for Super Slow PC

Windows XP SP3 Final lite 2008 v3.0 is built from XP SP3 Final MSDN
HDD need 600mb

reduce : Character Map, MSN Explorer, Internet Games, Old Driver, Tablet PC, Windows Messenger, Security Center, Help and Support, IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
add : newest hotfix from ******oft ,IE7, WMP11 ,Driver HD UAA Bus
fix registry + add TweakUI
this is version for Slow PC , gamer
9 minutes install
Actived , Fast Run


Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 3 Month Genuine License Key Free Download

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 is comprehensive security software for Windows operating system that protection against viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud and identity theft without compromising the system’s performance.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 normally cost $39.95 (aff) for purchase, with trial version normally lasts only 1 month. As part of its marketing promotional offer, the Panda Security and Web of Trust (WOT) are currently jointly offering users 3 months’ free use of Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 with full online update and support. Interest users that intend to trial the Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 can download the free trial via direct download links here.

To get the genuine and legitimate copy of Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 licensed serial key with a 3 months subscription period can head to the following URL:

Or use direct download links below to download and install the free three months subscription validity Panda Antivirus Pro 2010.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 with Free 3 Months License Direct Download Links : panda10pro_3.exe

NOTE: Offer expires on September 30, 2009

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 supports Windows XP 32-bit and Windows Vista 32/64-bit.

Google Earth 2012 LEAKED!

Google Earth 2012 has been leaked from the google database as of today and has been cracked by

Team CraxrUz

Please enjoy this release and at least post a thank you =)


McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus Free 6 Months Activation Code

McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus is powerful online security software that provides active, real-time, comprehensive protection from sites that appear in search engine results or during sites visit. McAfee SiteAdvisor protect all kinds of Web-based security threats including spyware, adware, spam, viruses, browser exploits, phishing, online fraud and identity theft. McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus also comes with SiteAdvisor’s safety ratings that help users to stay safe and in control while online. Users can also in protected mode with password-enabled feature that automatically blocks access to dangerous sites. Moreover, McAfee SiteAdvisor also can help identify links in email and instant messages that may point to nefarious web sites and blocks attempts to visit malicious web sites. Furthermore, McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus has added support for Firefox, AOL Instant Messenger and AOL Mail.

Features of McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus:

  • Helps protect against spyware and adware
  • Anti-phishing protection
  • Alerts on potentially malicious web sites and blocks risky websites
  • Provides safety ratings for search results
  • Scans email and IMs
  • Helps to identify nefarious phishing scam sites
  • Helps guard against exposure to sites hosting potentially intrusive programs, malware, and online scams
  • Safely shop and bank online
  • Color-coded threat alerts
  • Works with other security software
  • Automatically updates to provide guidance for newly discovered sites

McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus normally costs $24.99 (one PC) for purchase through McAfee Security Store.
McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus is available in 15 languages and dialects. As part of promotional offer for eBay customers, interested users intend to trial now can grab the McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus with free 6 months license.

  1. Go to the following promotion page:

  2. Then click DOWNLOAD NOW button.
  3. Now create a free McAfee account by entering required fields in the form and click “I Agree” button.

    Note: Direct login to the account if already created an account with McAfee before.

  4. Check the mailbox, the email from Mcafee will receive with activation link. Click on the activation link.
  5. After account creation you will see payment order conformation page, then click on Go to my account tab.

  6. Download the McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus free 180 days without required license key code.


Free iolo Search and Recover 5 Download With 1 Year Activation Serial Key

iolo Search and Recover 5 is comprehensive commercial used data recovery software for Windows operating system that provides recover, rescue, quickly locate, and save precious data such documents, photos, email messages, videos, and audio files. The software specifically designed for the recovery of accidentally deleted data. It is able to recover from all popular email programs and major drive types including malfunctioning, damaged, formatted and repartitioned drives and devices.
The iolo Search and Recover 5 comes with easy-to-use interface that allows to quickly sorting through irrelevant files to rescue precious data. In addition, iolo Search and Recover has improved recovery algorithms, data imaging, data security function, and expanded file-type and media support for more efficient recovery of specific file types. Other prominent features include Outlook recovery, secure file deletion option, File Terminator, StrongScan technology, and SmartScan technology that can scan and allocate deleted files.

Features of iolo Search and Recover 5:

  • Finds and recovers deleted or damaged data from all drives and format types
  • Recovers from all popular e-mail programs including Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Netscape Mail and Eudora
  • Even recovers data from malfunctioning, damaged, formatted, and repartitioned drives and devices
  • Enhanced preview technology allows to see, hear or read multimedia files before recovering them physically
  • Turn frustration to triumph in seconds
  • Convenient TotalRecovery
  • StrongScan technology finds more lost or deleted files than other recovery products
  • Upgraded interface enables intuitive operation and fast access to the data
  • Improved data security function that permanently delete any file or folder
  • Improved data imaging lets create virtual drives or backup copies from any hard drive, CD or DVD, as well as from damaged or inaccessible media

iolo Search and Recover 5 normally cost $39.95 for a 12-month subscription. As part of promotional offer, anybody now can grab the Search and Recover 5 with free 1-year genuine legitimate activation serial license key.

  1. Go to the promotional page to grab the free 1 year Search and Recover 5 activation key:

  2. Click “Continue” button to go to next page and click on “Secure Checkout”

    Note: You will enter the iolo shopping cart as part of this process, but your credit card will NOT be charged.

  3. Enter the name, email address, and other information, then click “Continue” button.

  4. Now will be forwarded to email delivery method web page where need to click the “Continue” button.

    Note: Select Email Delivery which is free as the shipping method receive the iolo Search and Recover 5 license key via email. Postal delivery is not free.

  5. In review your order page, which will show the billing summary and shipping summary. Click on “Place Order” button.

  6. Check the mailbox, the email from iolo technologies will receive with the subject “Thank you for ordering from iolo technologies, #2101XXXXXXX”.

  7. Download and install iolo Search and Recover 5: SearchAndRecover.exe
  8. During Installation select “I own Search and Recover and can enter my serial number later” option, and click”Next” button.

  9. Enter the activation key at the next window to enjoy the fully licensed iolo Search and Recover 5 for 12-month subscription.

iolo Search and Recover 5 supports Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.

Using iWork as an image editor

I recently noted the image-editing functionality of, which can act as a "good enough" image editor for many that don't have access to Photoshop. While it's difficult to argue with the free price tag, Preview is not without its limitations. Fortunately, many of these limitations are unlocked if you happen to own Apple's iWork suite, which in its own right can serve as an image editor for the budget-minded.Read on to see how to use iWork in this unconventional way.

The three components of iWork -- Pages, Keynote and Numbers -- each serve different purposes. Pages is an alternative to Microsoft Word, and Keynote and Numbers can be seen as respective alternatives to Microsoft's PowerPoint and Excel. Despite their respective core competencies, each app has page layout functionality. And this page layout capability serves as canvas of sorts, providing you a space to edit your images. Among these editing features are the ability to add or manipulate:

  • Text Boxes
  • Shapes
  • Shadows
  • Angle-based image rotation
  • Reflections
  • Opacity
  • Instant Alpha

Although Pages, Keynote and Numbers are separate apps, the image editing functionality within each is nearly identical; in fact, I haven't been able to spot the differences, if indeed they do exist. For the purpose of this demo, I'm going to choose the Page Layout template in Pages. However, if you choose Keynote, you'll want to delete the preset text boxes that will accompany the first slide. Likewise, if you choose Numbers, choose the blank spreadsheet, and then delete the table in the first spreadsheet.

Here I am in Pages's page layout view with a stock photo of Apple's MacBook Pro line taken from Apple's website. I'd like to add some copy to accompany the image. To do this, I'll need to click on the Text Box button on the menu bar; alternatively, I could add text within a shape via the Shapes button.

Perhaps this image would look a bit nicer with a shadow and reflection. To do this, I just need to select the image and enable Shadow and Reflection on the menu bar.
But if I want more granular control of shadows and reflections, as well as other attributes (such as image opacity and the angle of the image), I can get to them by clicking on the Inspector button and clicking on the Graphic Inspector pane within it.

That's more like it. I think I'm done.

Like Preview and iPhoto, you can adjust other image attributes (such as saturation, contrast and exposure) via the Adjust Image palette. this is accessible on the menu via View > Adjust Image.

Now that I'm complete with my editing, I'll need to save it as an image. Since selecting Save within Pages, Keynote, or Numbers will result in the image getting saved in the respective native file formats of those apps, I'll need to move this image over to Preview. To do this, select all of the elements in the newly edited picture and click on copy. Then launch Preview and select New from Clipboard from the FIle menu. This will bring all of the elements over to Preview as a flattened image. Alternatively, one can choose to export the document as a PDF, cropping it in Preview, and saving it as your desired image format.

As with many Apple products, the UI plays a major role in making for a more pleasurable experience. This ethos is certainly evident across the iWork suite, resulting in a very similar and seamless workflow within all three apps. Hence, I was able to illustrate the image editing features just using Pages.

By no means is iWork a replacement for Photoshop, Photoshop Elements or Pixelmator. But for the $79 price tag of iWork, you certainly get much more than just an office productivity suite.

Leaked: BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac

Time to rejoice Mac users, today is your day. That is because the BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac has just been leaked. It is important to note this is version 1.0.0 and it's still in the beta phase so you may get some bugs.
For years now Mac users have been left out in the cold when it comes to the BlackBerry Desktop Manager. It really does make you wonder what took RIM so long to develop a compatible Mac version. In the long run it may have paid off because of the amount of time they have had to work and perfect it. The BlackBerry Desktop manager for Mac lets you sync your iTunes playlists, contacts, tasks, apps and more.
One thing is for sure Mac owners who previously stayed away from BlackBerry because of this might just be changing their mind.

Download BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac
Alternate Link

Manic Time

Manic Time is a free program which automatically logs your computer activity and gives you a breakdown of how you spend your time. It’s not a new idea, we first covered Rescue Time way back in 2007, but this is an interesting take on the subject.
You can tag your activities to make them easier to track, and you get lovely coloured charts to prove that you’re really spending a huge amount of time working and not goofing off on Reddit, so that should please the boss. Arf!
ManicTime has been designed to make it easy for you to find out how you spend your time. You can easily find out how much time you spend behind a computer or how much time you spend browsing the web. It will help you learn which applications you use regularly and which are just collecting dust.
Time tagging allows you to see how you spent your time based on your own time tags. So based on your time tags you are able to see for example how much time you spent on a certain project or even a specific feature.

3 Simple Free Virtual Drive Tools To Mount Disks & Iso Images

ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization. You wouldn’t know it but it’s one of the most powerful non-governmental organizations in the world. These are the guys who set the universal benchmarks known as ISO standards.
Why are we discussing a world body in a tech site? It’s because they lend their name to a well known file format too.
The ISO file (.iso) is just an archive file format of an optical disk. It can be said to be an exact clone of a file system because it’s a byte for byte copy of a disk with all of its data and metadata. It’s a popular format for downloads and transport over the internet.
Anyone who has downloaded a game, anOS like a Linux distro, or an OS update would know them by sight. Also, being an open standard format along with another called UDF it’s supported by all optical disc software.

Nvidia GeForce 190.40 Driver Leaked

Enabling more fun in the sun for Nvidia card owners, a new GeForce driver has slipped through the Santa Clara Green Goblin’s fingers and made its way online.
Sourced by the XFastest crew, the GeForce 190.40 includes the PhysX System Software version 9.09.0428, is dated July 21st (the 190.30 WHQL is signed on July 14), and has support for the GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, and 200 series graphics cards, as well as the latest IGPs. The leaked and loaded GeForce 190.40 can be downloaded via the following links:

GeForce 190.40 beta (Windows XP 32bit)
GeForce 190.40 beta (Windows XP 64bit)
GeForce 190.40 beta (
Windows Vista/7 32bit)
GeForce 190.40 beta (Windows Vista/7 64bit)

Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition Photo Leaked

Last week there are too many roumers about the Nokia new devices and many of channels published the photos of several unannounced Nokia devices including the Nokia N97.One of those devices was a Nokia 5800-looking device with a silver trim. Many of us guessing that it was a 5900 but its announced as Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition on friday.

The New Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition will comes with some lovely features like guidance software Ovi maps with a lifetime of voice-guided Drive and Walk navigation, in-box car charger and Nokia car kit.5800 Navigator will expected in the third quarter of 2009 for the price of 285 Euros before subsidies.
let see whats will come at the end. share your opinion and initiate discussion.

Wifi Hacks 2009 AIO
Thsi object has mass changed tools to hack adn craze wifi so ytou can habit your neighbors internet anbd effect whatever Tools for Windows and Linux further smoe gratifyingly strikingly tools!.

Download Wifi Hacks 2009 AIO (Rapidshare):

Download: Wifi Hacks 2009 AIO

Net Tools 5.0 : The Ultimate Hacking Kit

Net Tools 5.0 : The Ultimate Hacking Kit

Net Tools is cutting-edge security and network monitoring software for the Internet and Local Area Networks, providing clients with the ability and confidence to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s technology. Keeping pace with the industry trends, we offer professional tools that support the latest standards, protocols, software, and hardware for both wired and wireless networks. The main goal is the creation of high quality software. Net Tools is a very strong combination of network scanning, security, file, system, and administrator tools useful in diagnosing networks and monitoring your PC and computer’s network connections for system administrators. Next to the essential core tools it includes a lot of extra valuable features. It’s a Swiss Army knife for everyone interested in a set of powerful network tools for everyday use. This all-in-one toolkit includes also a lot of handy file and system utilities next to the huge amount of network tools. The menus are fully configurable,

so in this way you won’t get lost in the extremely large amount of essential tools. All the additional features will make this application a must have for all system administrators. There are numerous constructive and valuable applications included in Net Tools that can be used for a great amount of purposes. The latest version of Net Tools is hybrid; it means that it’s capable of working together with applications that are made and designed for Net Tools, so in this way more flexibility and user-friendliness is obtained. This software is designed for the Microsoft Windows OS (Windows 98, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista). It’s entirely compatible and has thoroughly been tested on Windows XP. With the 175+ tools it is a great collection of useful tools for network users. The size of Net Tools 5.0.70 is approximately 25 Mb.


Net Tools 5.0 (build 70) contains a whole variety of network tools. Here is a list of the most important tools:

1) IP Address Scanner
2) IP Calculator
3) IP Converter
4) Port Listener
5) Port Scanner
6) Ping
7) NetStat (2 ways)
8) Trace Route (2 ways)
9) TCP/IP Configuration
10) Online – Offline Checker
11) Resolve Host & IP
12) Time Sync
13) Whois & MX Lookup
14) Connect0r
15) Connection Analysator and protector
16) Net Sender
17) E-mail seeker
18) Net Pager
19) Active and Passive port scanner
20) Spoofer
21) Hack Trapper
22) HTTP flooder (DoS)
23) Mass Website Visiter
24) Advanced Port Scanner
25) Trojan Hunter (Multi IP)
26) Port Connecter Tool
27) Advanced Spoofer
28) Advanced Anonymous E-mailer
29) Simple Anonymous E-mailer
30) Anonymous E-mailer with Attachment Support
31) Mass E-mailer
32) E-mail Bomber
33) E-mail Spoofer
34) Simple Port Scanner (fast)
35) Advanced Netstat Monitoring
36) X Pinger
37) Web Page Scanner
38) Fast Port Scanner
39) Deep Port Scanner
40) Fastest Host Scanner (UDP)
41) Get Header
42) Open Port Scanner
43) Multi Port Scanner
44) HTTP scanner (Open port 80 subnet scanner)
45) Multi Ping for Cisco Routers
46) TCP Packet Sniffer
47) UDP flooder
48) Resolve and Ping
49) Multi IP ping
50) File Dependency Sniffer
51) EXE-joiner (bind 2 files)
52) Encrypter
53) Advanced Encryption
54) File Difference Engine
55) File Comparasion
56) Mass File Renamer
57) Add Bytes to EXE
58) Variable Encryption
59) Simple File Encryption
60) ASCII to Binary (and Binary to ASCII)
61) Enigma
62) Password Unmasker
63) Credit Card Number Validate and Generate
64) Create Local HTTP Server
65) eXtreme UDP Flooder
66) Web Server Scanner
67) Force Reboot
68) Webpage Info Seeker
69) Bouncer
70) Advanced Packet Sniffer
71) IRC server creater
72) Connection Tester
73) Fake Mail Sender
74) Bandwidth Monitor
75) Remote Desktop Protocol Scanner
76) MX Query
77) Messenger Packet Sniffer
78) API Spy
79) DHCP Restart
80) File Merger
81) E-mail Extractor (crawler / harvester bot)
82) Open FTP Scanner
83) Advanced System Locker
84) Advanced System Information
85) CPU Monitor
86) Windows Startup Manager
87) Process Checker
88) IP String Collecter
89) Mass Auto-Emailer (Database mailer; Spammer)
90) Central Server (Base Server; Echo Server; Time Server; Telnet Server; HTTP Server; FTP Server)
91) Fishing Port Scanner (with named ports)
92) Mouse Record / Play Automation (Macro Tool)
93) Internet / LAN Messenger Chat (Server + Client)
94) Timer Shutdown/Restart/Log Off/Hibernate/Suspend/ Control
95) Hash MD5 Checker
96) Port Connect – Listen tool
97) Internet MAC Address Scanner (Multiple IP)
98) Connection Manager / Monitor
99) Direct Peer Connecter (Send/Receive files + chat)
100) Force Application Termination (against Viruses and Spyware)
101) Easy and Fast Screenshot Maker (also Web Hex Color Picker)
102) COM Detect and Test
103) Create Virtual Drives
104) URL Encoder
105) WEP/WPA Key Generator
106) Sniffer.NET
107) File Shredder
108) Local Access Enumerater
109) Steganographer (Art of hiding secret data in pictures)
110) Subnet Calculater
111) Domain to IP (DNS)
112) Get SNMP Variables
113) Internet Explorer Password Revealer
114) Advanced Multi Port Scanner
115) Port Identification List (+port scanner)
116) Get Quick Net Info
117) Get Remote MAC Address
118) Share Add
119) Net Wanderer
120) WhoIs Console
121) Cookies Analyser
122) Hide Secret Data In Files
123) Packet Generator
124) Secure File Splitting
125) My File Protection (Password Protect Files, File Injections)
126) Dynamic Switch Port Mapper
127) Internet Logger (Log URL)
128) Get Whois Servers
129) File Split&Merge
130) Hide Drive
131) Extract E-mails from Documents
132) Net Tools Mini (Client/Server, Scan, ICMP, Net Statistics, Interactive, Raw Packets, DNS, Whois, ARP, Computer’s IP, Wake On LAN)
133) Hook Spy
134) Software Uninstaller
135) Tweak & Clean XP
136) Steganographic Random Byte Encryption
137) NetTools Notepad (encrypt your sensitive data)
138) File Encrypter/Decrypter
139) Quick Proxy Server
140) Connection Redirector (HTTP, IRC, … All protocols supported)
141) Local E-mail Extractor
142) Recursive E-mail Extractor
143) Outlook Express E-mail Extractor
144) Telnet Client
145) Fast Ip Catcher
146) Monitor Host IP
147) FreeMAC (MAC Address Editor)
148) QuickFTP Server (+user accounts support)
149) NetTools Macro Recorder/Player (Keybord and Mouse Hook)
150) Network Protocol Analyzer
151) Steganographic Tools (Picture, Sounds, ZIP Compression and Misc Methods)
152) WebMirror (Website Ripper)
153) GeoLocate IP
154) Google PageRank Calculator
155) Google Link Crawler (Web Result Grabber)
156) Network Adapter Binder
157) Remote LAN PC Lister
158) Fast Sinusoidal Encryption
159) Software Scanner
160) Fast FTP Client
161) Network Traffic Analysis
162) Network Traffic Visualiser
163) Internet Protocol Scanner
164) Net Meter (Bandwidth Traffic Meter)
165) Net Configuration Switcher
166) Advanced System Hardware Info
167) Live System Information
168) Network Profiler
169) Network Browser
170) Quick Website Maker and Web Gallery Creator
171) Remote PC Shutdown
172) Serial Port Terminal
173) Standard Encryptor
174) Tray Minimizer
175) Extra Tools (nmap console & win32 version)

Many extra features and utilities are included in this package!

Net Tools 5.0 : The Ultimate Hacking Kit

Garena Hack 5.7c

Garena Hack 5.7c

Released a new Garena Hack 5.7c.

Garena Hack 5.7c:
- Protection not see running hacks
- Hack is running version 1.23 & 1.24
- No message at the beginning where it is written that your ACC banned ..
- Gold 100 Exp 15 min Basic 50 exp even when you do not play
- No need to wait 5 seconds that would go into the room
- Flooding can be non-stop

Instructions for use:
1) Run the downloaded file in garena.exe folder and log in using your login Garen
2) In the folder with the downloaded Garena Haq Find the file Launch.bat through it we will run!
3) After clicking on Launch.bat blue window will appear where you must select the option for which version Var3 its run or even separately!
4) In this blue box, click 1 and enter, then we test fails, skip it and press any key)
5) Everything is ready:
Go through Launch.bat only the folder.

Size: 13.03 Mb



Garena Hack 5.7c Fast Download

Garena Hack 5.7c Alternative Link

Garena Hack v3.3 | Warcraft 1.24b Maphack

The New Garena Hack 3.3 is released by GarenaHack-er, this version has built in Custom Kick, Diabolic Warcraft 3 Toolkit and Warcraft 1.24b maphack.
You can use
this Garena Hack with any Garena update. There are no MEGA Exp in this Garena Hack, even the original one doesn't have it. Read the guide and download the Garena Hack v3.3 with Warcraft 1.24b maphack.
Step by Step Guide (for noobs):

• Download GarenaHack_4.04_v3.exe from the link above.

• Install it in your Garena Folder.

• After installing run "GarenaHack" from Desktop. (see icon imge on right)

• A pop-up will appear, just click "YES"

• Now click, "Start Garena Hack v3.3"

• Garena Hack window will pop-up.

• Now click "Start Garena Client - MapHack 1.24b - Custom Kick"

• A pop-up window will appear, click start..

• Another pop-up will appear, but this time you know what to do ^^.

• Run Garena hack by following the steps above, stricly
• GarenaHack.exe and Garena.exe must not be in same directory (it must be in a sub-directory), if you see this, delete the folder, and reinstall Garena & Garenahack.
• There is no MegaEXP in this hack.
• There is no virus in this hack, if your antivirus say anything, just disable it.
• If any Garena update comes, * Update it normally but after the update, when the Garena client is started automatically again, close it, and the click "Start Garena" again from the GarenaHack. If you don't do this probably nothing will happen. But it's best if you do this.

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About Me

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Come and lets get fucked bitches and m0r0nx ! wh0 try t0 cheated u ! this world is s0 selfish and careless =X u can easily fucked them by try t0 my hacking t00ls and s0ftwares =] i gifted t0 u these all things =] this w0rld d0es,nt care any0ne , s0 why u st0pped ? fuck all those wh0 try t0 cheat u, s0mething wr0nG u, anD dishearted t0 U ! Fucked them and feel free t0 life ! Enj0y =] prO X haCker's TeaM Private Contact =
| Saturday, September 26, 2009 |


HJSplit is a popular set of freeware file-splitting programs created by in collaboration with various programmers. HJSplit supports many platforms (Windows XP, Vista, NT, 2000, 3.x, 95/98/ME, DOS, Amiga, Java, etc.). All versions are compatible with each other and allow you to exchange files between these different platforms. E.g. a file split on the Amiga can be joined on Windows 2000 and vice versa.

Now what's the use of a program like HJSplit? Think of a file of 20 Mb, and try to send this to a friend. Using email this does not succeed, it is simply too large, and how to put it onto a floppy? HJSplit will enable you to split the large file into smaller chunks, which can be much more easily sent and stored.

What about a backup of very large Gigabyte sized files? HJSplit (Windows and Java version) also can handle these! E.g. HJSplit allows you to split a 10 Gb file into 640 Mb parts, which can then be stored onto CD-Rom's by your CD-writer software.

Of course HJSplit can join these split parts back together again, so that the original file is restored. Alternatively, you can use HJJoin for this, which is a tiny and specialized program for joining files.

HJSplit is very reliable, simple, small and easy to use. It does not need any installation or complicated DLLs, it just consists of one '.exe' file.
This means
that you can also run it directly from a floppy or CD-Rom.


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Win7Codecs 1.3.3 Final

Win7Codecs 1.3.3 Final

Win7codecs - ����� ������������ ����� ������������������ ��������, ��������������� ��� ��������� �������� ������� � ���������. �� �� �������� ������� �������������� �������������� � �� ������ ��������� ���������� ������ �� ���������. ����� ����, ��� ��������� �� ������������� ������� ���������� ������ � ������� �� ������������ �� ��������� ��� ����������� ������ �������������.

������������ �������: Windows� 7
���������: �� ���������

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���������/��: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
��� �������: 2009
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WinTuning 7 v1.01 Rus

WinTuning 7 v1.01 Rus

��������� WinTuning 7 ������������� ��� ������� � ������ ���������, ����������� � ������� ������� Windows 7. WinTuning 7 �������� ��������� ������������� �� ��������� �������, ������� ��������� ����������, ������� ���������� ����� ����������� ���������. ��� ��������� ����������� ���������� ��� �� Windows 7.

������ ������������ ��������� �������, WinTuning 7 �������� ��������� ��������������� ������. � �� ������� �� ������� �������� ������ � ������ ������� �������� ������� � �������� �� ������������������ � ������������, �������� ������� �� �������� ������, �������������� ������� ��������� ��� ������������ ������������� ���� ���������� ����������� ������ � ������ ������.

������ WinTuning 7?
+ ������, ���� �����, ���������� ������ � �.�. - ��� ����� ������� ���� ��� ��������� � ����������� Windows 7. ������ ������� ������� ������ ��������� �������! ������ ������� ������� ��� ����������� ��������� ������.
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+ ��� ��������� ������� � �������������� ���������� ��� Windows 7. ��� ��� �������� ����, ��� ��� ���������, ������� ���� � ���������, ���������� � ����� ������������ ��������.
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16/09/09 �������� WinTuning 7 ������ 1.01.
- �������� ����� ������ WinTuning 7 Clients Control Center (WT7 3C). WT7 3C - ��� ����� �������, ���������� �� ������-��������� ����������, ��� ��������� � ����������� ���������� ����������� ��������� ���� �������� ����� ������. �� ������� ��������������� WT7 3C, ����� ������ "������� ������ ���������� ��������� WinTuning 7 (WT7 3C)" ����� ����� �������� ���� ���������.

OC: Windows 7
���������: �������

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Office 2007 Enterprise

Office 2007 Enterprise BLUE

Office 2007 Enterprise


* Mcft Office Access 2007
* Mcft Office Excel 2007
* Mcft Office Groove 2007
* Mcft Office InfoPath 2007
* Mcft Office OneNote 2007
* Mcft Office Outlook 2007
* Mcft Office PowerPoint 2007
* Mcft Office Publisher 2007
* Mcft Office Word 2007

This is the copy from the original disk, which is (as said before) only accessible to technicians of Mcft. This version of Mcft Office 2007 will never appear for sale, since this is the only version where there is no need for a serial. This version also doesn't need an activation. The installer is very simple, undetailed and handy.
The interface of application is completely changed, it is modernized and practically reminds in no way to the previous versions.In a few minutes the software will be installed on your computer, without any questions or other things that slow down the installation.

Install Notes:

1. Burn / Mount iso
2. Run / Autorun setup.exe
3. Wait for it to auto install office without you having to hit next or anything
4. Hit finish
5. Enjoy a fully activated copy of office with no messy keys / cracks!

USE HJSPLIT for joining all the parts
Get HJSPLIT, Winrar 3.70, Daemon Tool(Image Mounting Ware) here.

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Rocket Torrents Pro 5.3 Pro 2009 Rus

Rocket Torrents Pro 5.3 Pro 2009 Rus

Rocket Torrents Pro ������c� ����o� �����������o� �����a����, ����p�� ��e� ��� ��c��� � c���e ��� 12 ���������� ���������X mp3-����������, �����p������, �����o�, ���, �p����e���, ���� � �.�. � �.�. Rocket Torrents Pro - ��� �������� �p��o�e��e, ������� ��������� ����e�� ���������.
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Letitbit: �������
Depositfiles: �������
Rapidshare: �������

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Videos Daylight 3.3

Videos Daylight 3.3

Videos Daylight - ��� ������ ��������� � ��� ����. ��������� ������������� ��� ��������� �������, ������������, �����������, �������� � �.�. Videos Daylight �������� � ���� ���� ����� 7 ����� ������� � ������������ � �� ����� ����������� ������ ���� � ������� "�������". ��� ��������� ����� ����� ���� ������� �������� ����� � �� ����� �� ������� ��� ��������. Videos Daylight ������� ��� ������������ �������� ������ ����� ������ ����, ��� �������� � �����.

��� �������: 2009
������������ �������: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
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Exotic Aquarium 3D Screensaver

Exotic Aquarium 3D Screensaver

�������� ���� ������� ���� ��������� � ���� ��������� � ������������� ������������ ������� � ������� �������������� �������.
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���������: Windows All
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Xilisoft DVD Ripper Ultimate Portable

Xilisoft DVD Ripper Ultimate Portable

�������� ������ � DVD �� ������ ����. ��� ���� ����� �������������� ����������� � ����� ����� ������. ��������� ��������� ������� ���� ���������, ������� ���� �� ����� ���������� �������, ������������� ���� Dolby Surround, ������� ������� �����. ����� �����, ��������� ����������� ��� ���������� � � ����������� �� ����� �������� ��������� �������� ��������. Xilisoft DVD Ripper ��������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� � ��������� ��������� �������� �������������� ������.

- ���������� ����� �� DVD � DivX, AVI, MPEG, WMV, RM, MOV, XviD, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, ASF � ������ ����� �������
- ���������� ����� �� DVD � MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG � ������ ����� �������
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��.����: Xilisoft
���������|��� ���: �� ��������� (Portable)
���� ����������: english
���������/��: Windows 2000/2003/XP and Windows Vista

������ / Size: 33.07 Mb :
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SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 2

SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 2

�������� �������� ��� ������ � ���������. � ������ �������� ������: ���-�������, ����������� �������� � ��������� ������, ���-������ ��� IRC-������� � HTML-��������. �������� ������� �������� ���� (�������), ��������� ���� ����� ��������� � ����� ���� ��������� ��������� ������. ����� ����� ������� ��������� ����������� ����, ����� ��������� �������� ��������, ������������ ����� ������ �� ��������.
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������������ �������: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Server 2003
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��� ��������: FreeWare

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With this incredible video file converter you can:

* Convert video (including HD!), audio & unprotected DVDs into any formats.
* Rip video and DVDs to watch them on any portable device: iPod, iPhone, PSP, PDA, Zune, Archos, BlackBerry, cell phones, and more.
* Convert video from video-sharing sites.
* Burn video to CD and DVD.
* Tweak your video with unique editing features. Improve video quality with the tools built into the video converter software.
* Specify quality level and fine-tune any output format settings with a single click in the video file converter.
* Save time when you either convert videos or rip video with our ultra high-performance video converting technology.
With this incredible video file converter you can:

* Convert video (including HD!), audio & unprotected DVDs into any formats.
* Rip video and DVDs to watch them on any portable device: iPod, iPhone, PSP, PDA, Zune, Archos, BlackBerry, cell phones, and more.
* Convert video from video-sharing sites.
* Burn video to CD and DVD.
* Tweak your video with unique editing features. Improve video quality with the tools built into the video converter software.
* Specify quality level and fine-tune any output format settings with a single click in the video file converter.
* Save time when you either convert videos or rip video with our ultra high-performance video converting technology.
With this incredible video file converter you can:

* Convert video (including HD!), audio & unprotected DVDs into any formats.
* Rip video and DVDs to watch them on any portable device: iPod, iPhone, PSP, PDA, Zune, Archos, BlackBerry, cell phones, and more.
* Convert video from video-sharing sites.
* Burn video to CD and DVD.
* Tweak your video with unique editing features. Improve video quality with the tools built into the video converter software.
* Specify quality level and fine-tune any output format settings with a single click in the video file converter.
* Save time when you either convert videos or rip video with our ultra high-performance video converting technology.

Use this video converter software to convert video, audio, unprotected DVD to any format
- Movavi Video Converter is a video file converter that supports all the latest media file formats

* NEW! Enhanced conversion algorithm now gives you support for more than 170 video, audio, and image formats. Movavi Video Converter is now truly "one-size-fits-all" audio & video file converter. Video conversions have never been so easy!

* NEW! Save audio files to the popular formats supported in this version of our audio and video format converter.

* Convert video to and from HD formats with this handy HD video format converter. Use ready-made presets for all popular HD video formats or fine-tune HD video quality settings manually. Our video format converter offers plenty of choice!

* Save your unencrypted DVDs to any video format - and preserve the multichannel audio. NEW! Movavi Video Converter supports multi-core processors so you can convert DVDs faster than ever. Convert files from DVD to iPod at 3x the speed!

Convert video for mobile devices
- Use the ready-made presets - all built into our video converter - for all the popular media players

With Movavi Video Converter, you can rip video into the format supported by your mobile device. Just choose the right preset from a wide variety offered by this video converter software:

* Apple iPod, iPhone, Apple TV (MP4)
* Sony PSP (MP4)
* Zune from Microsoft (WMV, MP4)
* Epson portable media players (MP4)
* Creative Zen portable media players (WMV)
* Archos portable media players (WMV)
* BlackBerry (MP4)
* Other PDAs/Pocket PCs (WMV, MP4)
* Cell phones (3GP, 3GP2, MP4)

Convert online video and go portable with Movavi Video Converter
- Use Movavi Video Converter to download and convert online video

* Convert video – including HD format – from a whole range of popular video-sharing websites right inside our handy video format converter.

* NEW! Unlike ordinary video format converters, Movavi Video Converter supports H.264 codec, a format used by more & more online video sharing sites. Just hit the "+URL" button to set the conversion going - with Movavi Video Converter, there's no limitation to online video conversions!

Specify quality level and other output settings as you convert video
- Get the exact results you want when you convert videos using this video converter software - without any special knowledge!

* With Movavi Video Converter's 'Target Quality' option, you can specify the quality and size of the output file in one click: just choose the output format you need, move the slider, and our video file converter will calculate the output file size for the chosen quality level.

* NEW! Now you can convert videos to different formats at once. To define a format or special format settings for multiple copies of one video file use new 'Duplicate' button.

* While beginners wanting to convert video will love all the video converter's ready-made presets - for all popular formats - advanced users will appreciate greater control over their video converting,
with the ability to manually select all the parameters of the output video. So whether you're experienced or just starting out our video file converter puts the power in your hands.

Save videos to CDs and DVDs in the burning mode of the video converter
- Movavi Video Converter gives you full control over the burning process

* Burn video to CD and DVD right inside this video file converter using the embedded burner.

* Choose from more than a dozen static and animated DVD themes to create a professional-looking menu that grabs your viewers' attention!

* Customize your DVD menu: add your own .mp3 background audio and loop video inside a theme.

Improve video quality, tweak your video with the video converter's editing tools
- Our video file converter allows you not only to rip video, but also to cut, merge, crop, rotate, adjust and add watermarks

Movavi Video Converter is the only video converter software to include these editing tools. Now you can not only rip video with this amazing video format converter, but also perform basic editing and adjust video quality. Now that's what you call a powerful video format converter!

* Crop video quickly and easily to create a specific rectangular area within the video. Ideal if you need to convert video to a different screen size.

* Rotate video by 90, 180, or 270 degrees - useful if you need to convert video from a device that rotates captured video.

* Improve video quality with professional filters to solve the most common problems as you convert video files.

* Add Watermark - overlay text or a graphic logo. A must-have feature for advanced video converter software users!

Save time with efficient video converting technology of this video file converter
- Movavi Video Converter speeds up video converting by helping you get the most out of your hardware

* Support for multi-core processors means video converting is faster than ever!

* Batch conversion saves time by letting you convert video files and DVDs in batches. That means you can use the video file converer to convert video files in groups, i.e. multiple videos at once.

* Convert video while you sleep. Need to do a lot of video converting e.g. a whole library of high quality video files? Just let Movavi Video Converter do it for you while you sleep. When it's done, the video format converter will close itself and power down your computer safely.

| Friday, September 25, 2009 |

Download DeskTube Desktop Application To Watch YouTube Video Clips Without Browser

If logging to YouTube video sharing site via your Internet Exploer, Safari or Firefox browser is still considered tedious and sluggish, DeskTube, the so called YouTube desktop application perhaps has the answer for you. DeskTube, like its name suggests, is a free desktop application which combines Desktop and YouTube functions to give YouTube enthusiasts instant access to the video site just by double clicking the application on the desktop.

DeskTube allows users to access all the YouTube functions via its simple and cleaner interface. Users can search video, copy video url, copy embed code, add comments, view video information and check related videos via the application.
YouTube users can log in to their accounts to upload videos, post comments, and check out personal playlists and subscriptions. Furthermore, DeskTube has also collaborated with a few social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace to allow users to interact and communicate with their friends via its video chat feature and quick access to these sites.

DeskTube offers users a quick and straightforward video browsing experience to enjoy YouTube video clips and communicate with friends in a unique way without opening a browser. Users can enjoy chatting and sharing interesting video clips with friends simultaneously. The overall performance of this application is quite stable and satisfactory. Users need to preinstall Adobe AIR app prior to installing it.

Download DeskTube via the link here.

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View The Deleted Video Clips from YouTube

Sometimes due to violation of YouTube terms or copyright infringement, some video clips from YouTube will have been removed. YouTube will prompt you with some irritating messages such as: “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claimed by ABC Company”. What can you do when you see this annoying message?
The video clips that you intend to view might contain something interesting but impropriate, e.g. sex, porno, political scandals, etc. What can you do to view the deleted, erased, private or flagged video clips anyway?

In our previous post, we have highlighted the possibility of using Delutube to watch the deleted, private or flagged YouTube. Technically if a controversial video was officially removed or deleted from YouTube, the clip might still be kept on one of YouTube’s or Google’s servers for a short period of time. You can view the deleted or inaccessible video clips by entering the Youtube Video ID. Read Watch Deleted, Private or Flagged YouTube Video Clips with Delutube.

Besides Delutube, there are a few other deleted YouTube viewers you can perhaps try: -

You can find some deleted or removed video clips from these websites. You can search for the deleted clips by name or by ID. However, these websites may contain adult content that is illegal for below age viewers.

TubeMall UndeleTube

UndeleTube is another service provided to view the removed video clips from YouTube. It works pretty well.

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Auto Login to Windows Without Entering Password

When you access to your Windows, either Windows Vista or Windows XP, you will be greeted by a welcome page. You need to enter your users or admin password to go in to the Windows. This process is mainly designed for security purposes.
However, if you feel that going through this process is a bit irritated and annoyed, you can actually personalized your PC by allowing you to login automatic to your Windows without entering the password.

Log in page

You can auto login to your Windows via the following steps: -

For Windows XP
1. Go to start > RUN
2 Type control userpasswords2 in the run box prompted out

3. Select the user from which you want to login automatically and uncheck the box “Users must enter a username and password to use this computer”.

4. Enter the password of the account in the box

5. Click ok

For Window Vista:
1. Go to start
2. Type netplwiz in the search box
3. Select the user from which you want to login automatically and uncheck the box “Users must enter a username and password to use this computer”.
4. Enter the password of the account in the box.
5. Click ok

Once you have done it, you will login automatically whenever you access your computer.

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Easily Login to Windows XP with No Password Administrator Account Backdoor Trick

In password-protected Windows XP Home or Professional edition system, each user logs on to his or her own user name and password to have full access to the Windows computer. However, Windows user or administrator can still log in to the Windows XP machine without knowing the original password, if they have lost or forgotten the user ID or password, by using various bypass or crack method such as using DreamPackPL to bypass the need to logon using valid account or password, crack or brute force retrieve the Windows passwords for various user or administrator account with Ophcrack2, and using third party services such as Login Recovery to retrieval and recovery of Windows user name and passwords. However, there is one simpler method to hack into a Windows XP system, if the computer owner installed Windows XP, and forgot or not set the Administrator account password.

By default installation, Windows XP has a built-in Administrator account which equivalent to root or superuser privilege account in Linux or Unix that contains no password. In other word, hacker or any people can simply key in Administrator as user name at the Windows Logon Welcome Screen prompt with blank password (no password) and get full administrative access as superuser to the Windows PC. Worse, most computer owners don’t even know such an Administrator account is actually existed, don’t even mentioned they will create or set a password for Administrator user account.

So this security vulnerability flaw provides an easy way to hack into any Windows XP computer that the user forgets or simply does not set a password for the Administrator user ID.
The problem is that in normal Windows XP Welcome Screen where you choose which user name you want to log onto, the Administrator user name is not displayed and is not shown. If you can’t choose or select the Administrator from the login screen, then how are you going to log-in with the Administrator account? The following video clip provides a simple hack and trick.

Basically, at Windows XP Welcom Screen, simply press Ctrl-Alt-Del keys sequence together twice, and you will be shown a Log On to Windows menu which you can specify User Name and Password. In the User Name text box, key in “Administrator” (without quote) and leave the Password field blank. Then press Enter or click on OK. If there is not password protects the Administrator account, or blank password is set, then you will be able to access the Windows with full administrative privileges as Administrator.

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Link Up Facebook With Google, Yahoo or MySpace Account For Auto-Login

Having many login IDs and passwords is encouraged in terms of security but it might not be a good approach for absent minded people. Nowadays, users have accounts in Youtube, Facebook, Yahoo, Google, etc. and this can translate into a huge hassle if users were to check each account every day. Having to log in to the account with the right user name, and remembering the corresponding password can lead to mishaps especially if users are not using their own laptops or desktops with pre-saved names and passwords. For easy and quick login, the social networking website, Facebook, now allows users to link their account with Google, Yahoo or MySpace. In other words, when users sign in to their Google account, e.g Gmail, they will be able to automatically login to their Facebook account without having to type in their login ID and password again.

To link up the Facebook account with their Google, Yahoo or MySpace account, users need to login to Facebook and go to Settings -> Account Settings.
In the Account Settings page, click on to the “Linked Account” item. Users are given a choice of linking their Facebook to Google, Yahoo, MySpace or other open IDs.

To add link to their Google account, for instance, users just need to select Google in the scroll down list. Users will thence be prompted a new window which seeks users’ permission whether to allow or disallow the linking. Clicking on the “Allow” button will thence allow the social networking site to link to users’ Google account.

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RapidShare Link Checker Link Checker is a tool to check and verify the validity, availability and existence of files hosted and shared on 1-click web hosting service. The utility is useful when you have a list of RapidShare-URLs or download links, where all files must still available for download to be useful.
Using Link Checker, all download links will be checked to see if the link still working and all files exist on RapidShare servers.

If the file does not exist, the link will be shown in red. If the file exists but the server is down, the file will be shown in yellow. If the file is available for download, the link will be shown in green.

Enter one full RapidShare sharing URL per line in the box below, e.g, and then press “Check URLs” button.

Powered by RapidShare.

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Malicious Software Removal Tools by Microsoft

Microsoft released its Windows Malicious Software Removal Tools lately. This removal tool can check whether computers running under Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 are infected by any specific or prevalent malicious software or Malware which can damage your computer such as Blaster, Sasser and Mydoom.
Once the removal tool has completed the detection and removal process, the tool will report the action outcome whether any Malware has been detected and removed. The tool will thence create a log file named mrt.log in the %WINDIR%\debug folder. The monthly update of this removal tool will soon be available from Microsoft. Users can set the automatic update features to Automatic in order to get the latest update version automatically delivered and installed.

User can review the KB article, KB890830, for the list of malicious software that the current version of the tool is capable of removing as well as usage instructions. Also, please be aware that this tool reports anonymous information back to Microsoft in the event that an infection is found or an error is encountered. The above KB article contains information on how to disable this functionality and what specific information is sent to Microsoft. Users are also advised to review KB article, KB891716, before deploying this tool in an enterprise environment.

Download the x64 version of Malicious Software Removal Tool via the link here.

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Activate and Enable iPhone as Internet Tethering Wireless Modem Without Hack or Jailbreak

Apple has built Internet tethering capability to iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3G S in its newest iPhone OS software 3.0. Internet tethering allows iPhone owners to use iPhone as wireless modem or dongle device to connect the PC or notebook computer to Internet for surfing and browsing. However, for commercial purpose, Internet tethering is disabled or blocked by default, as most mobile network carriers or operators want to charge extra fee for Internet tethering privilege, although existing service plans already allow certain limited bandwidth or even unlimited amount of data downloads.

Instead of paying excessive amount of money (most in the high 10s) in addition to the already-overpriced iPhone plan price, there was a fews hacks to enable Internet tethering on jailbroken iPhone previously. With built-in support for Internet gateway tethering in iPhone with the release of iPhone OS software 3.0, there is a very simple hack for iPhone OS 3.0 upgrader to enable Internet tethering, without paying anything extra or subscription fee to the mobile operator, and without jailbreak or unlock.

How to Activate and Enable Free Internet Tethering on iPhone 3.0

  1. Run Safari mobile web browser on the iPhone.
  2. Optional: If you want to generate your own mobileconfig with custom APN, username and password with Mobileconfig Generator, visit

    In most case, just visit the next link directly, as the configuration files for most mobile carriers around the world have been prepared. If you’re following this link, click on Mobileconfigs.

  3. Visit the following Mobileconfigs website:


  4. Select your country.

  5. Select your mobile service provider.

  6. Tap Install to install new profile.

  7. Select Install Now to download and install new profile.

  8. On iPhone interface, go to Settings -> General -> Network -> Internet Tethering.

  9. Set Internet Tethering to On.

  10. If prompted that Bluetooth is off, select Turn on Bluetooth or USB Only according to your preference.

  11. Internet tethering is enabled, connect iPhone to PC computer via USB or Bluetooth to start connecting to Internet though iPhone as tethered Internet gateway modem, with typical mobile broadband connection speed, normally up to around 1.4 Mbps. Meanwhile, iPhone will glow blue too.

    Note: Tethering computer through USB to iPhone to access Internet is much easier. Normally, Windows or Mac system will automatically recognize the tethered iPhone, and create require network connection to take advantage of the shared Internet access via iPhone. For Bluetooth connection, other than usual pairing, user also has to select “Connect to Network” from the Bluetooth device option in order to access the Internet from desktop or notebook/laptop computer via tethered iPhone.

Actually, the hack can be performed manually by iPhone owner himself or herself. The profile download link above provides easiest and most convenient way to activate and enable Internet Tethering without hassle though. is gathering all these publicly available information such as APN (access point name) and password for the iPhone for many network across the world, and create a XML based profile by using Apple’s iPhone Configuration Utility.
The hosted iPhone tethering configuration profiles is pushed to the handsets of iPhone users who download the profile, and instant activates the tethering system free of charge.

After downloading and installing the new Internet tethering enabled profile, some users may report MMS and/or VVM (Visual Voicemail) problem, where MMS or Visual Voicemail stops working. To fix the MMS and VVM not working after enabling Internet tethering error, go to Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings. After the short reset, iPhone should be able to be used for MMS, Voicemail and Internet tethering.

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Invisible Secrets 4.6

Click this bar to view the full image.

nvisible Secrets 4.6

Invisible Secrets not only encrypts your data and files for safe keeping or for secure transfer across the net, it also hides them in places that on the surface appear totally innocent, such as picture or sound files, or web pages.

3.8 MB
Secrets 4.6 .rar.html
No Password

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How To Do Mail Bombing

In internet terminology “mail bombing” is referred to an act of sending or forwarding huge amounts of email to a particular person’s mailbox or system. By mail bombing somebody’s mail box, you can actually fill up or overflow or overwhelm the recipient’s mailbox space. It can create great inconvenience to the recipient and cause the recipient’s server to have technical faults such as stop functioning, becoming slow, etc. Many people are of the opinion that mail bombing somebody’s mail box is an unethical behavior and the sender should be hung, quartered and disembowelled.

Having said that, something that is seemingly bad may not necessary be so if used correctly at the right place and the right time. If you know the mail bombing skill, the skill will help you when you are required to send huge amount of email to a particular person. Take this scenario, for instance: if you have quarreled with your girl friend and she insists you write 100 apology letters to her, then you will find this skill extremely useful.

There is a small trick here that tells you how to send out an enormous amount of email to a particular person. It is free and quite easy to use. However, this trick is only workable if you use Yahoo Email Service. We have tested it with Gmail and it is not workable. To initiate this trick, of course you need to register as a user with Yahoo Mail. Login to Yahoo Mail and click “Compose” to write a new email message.

In the “To” field of the new email message, type in the email address of your target recipient. In this case, we use Copy the same email and paste ten times or MORE (as required). Make sure each address is separated by a comma.

For instance:

Subsequently, you need to capitalize one letter or a few letters in each email address. You must capitalize different letters or group of letters so that no two addresses are the same.


If you send this email out, your target recipient will receive 10 emails from you. As mentioned earlier, this trick is only workable by using Yahoo Mail Service. If you use Gmail Service and duplicate the same,
then the recipient will only receive one email and not 10 emails.
If you want to make more email, what you need to do is select the 10 email addresses which you have capitalized and then paste them to another new email. If you duplicate the same process 10 times, the recipient will receive 100 similar emails from you.

This knowledge is not meant for rampant bombing of your friends or colleagues’ mail box. Your Yahoo Account will be terminated if your recipient makes a complaint to Yahoo!

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Windows XP SP3 Final lite 2008 v3.0 Very fast Windows

Click this bar to view the full image.

Windows XP SP3 Final lite 2008 v3.0 | ISo | 177 MB

Very fast Window XP for Super Slow PC

Windows XP SP3 Final lite 2008 v3.0 is built from XP SP3 Final MSDN
HDD need 600mb

reduce : Character Map, MSN Explorer, Internet Games, Old Driver, Tablet PC, Windows Messenger, Security Center, Help and Support, IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
add : newest hotfix from ******oft ,IE7, WMP11 ,Driver HD UAA Bus
fix registry + add TweakUI
this is version for Slow PC , gamer
9 minutes install
Actived , Fast Run


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Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 3 Month Genuine License Key Free Download

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 is comprehensive security software for Windows operating system that protection against viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud and identity theft without compromising the system’s performance.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 normally cost $39.95 (aff) for purchase, with trial version normally lasts only 1 month. As part of its marketing promotional offer, the Panda Security and Web of Trust (WOT) are currently jointly offering users 3 months’ free use of Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 with full online update and support. Interest users that intend to trial the Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 can download the free trial via direct download links here.

To get the genuine and legitimate copy of Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 licensed serial key with a 3 months subscription period can head to the following URL:

Or use direct download links below to download and install the free three months subscription validity Panda Antivirus Pro 2010.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 with Free 3 Months License Direct Download Links : panda10pro_3.exe

NOTE: Offer expires on September 30, 2009

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 supports Windows XP 32-bit and Windows Vista 32/64-bit.

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Google Earth 2012 LEAKED!

Google Earth 2012 has been leaked from the google database as of today and has been cracked by

Team CraxrUz

Please enjoy this release and at least post a thank you =)


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McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus Free 6 Months Activation Code

McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus is powerful online security software that provides active, real-time, comprehensive protection from sites that appear in search engine results or during sites visit. McAfee SiteAdvisor protect all kinds of Web-based security threats including spyware, adware, spam, viruses, browser exploits, phishing, online fraud and identity theft. McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus also comes with SiteAdvisor’s safety ratings that help users to stay safe and in control while online. Users can also in protected mode with password-enabled feature that automatically blocks access to dangerous sites. Moreover, McAfee SiteAdvisor also can help identify links in email and instant messages that may point to nefarious web sites and blocks attempts to visit malicious web sites. Furthermore, McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus has added support for Firefox, AOL Instant Messenger and AOL Mail.

Features of McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus:

  • Helps protect against spyware and adware
  • Anti-phishing protection
  • Alerts on potentially malicious web sites and blocks risky websites
  • Provides safety ratings for search results
  • Scans email and IMs
  • Helps to identify nefarious phishing scam sites
  • Helps guard against exposure to sites hosting potentially intrusive programs, malware, and online scams
  • Safely shop and bank online
  • Color-coded threat alerts
  • Works with other security software
  • Automatically updates to provide guidance for newly discovered sites

McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus normally costs $24.99 (one PC) for purchase through McAfee Security Store.
McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus is available in 15 languages and dialects. As part of promotional offer for eBay customers, interested users intend to trial now can grab the McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus with free 6 months license.

  1. Go to the following promotion page:

  2. Then click DOWNLOAD NOW button.
  3. Now create a free McAfee account by entering required fields in the form and click “I Agree” button.

    Note: Direct login to the account if already created an account with McAfee before.

  4. Check the mailbox, the email from Mcafee will receive with activation link. Click on the activation link.
  5. After account creation you will see payment order conformation page, then click on Go to my account tab.

  6. Download the McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus free 180 days without required license key code.


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Free iolo Search and Recover 5 Download With 1 Year Activation Serial Key

iolo Search and Recover 5 is comprehensive commercial used data recovery software for Windows operating system that provides recover, rescue, quickly locate, and save precious data such documents, photos, email messages, videos, and audio files. The software specifically designed for the recovery of accidentally deleted data. It is able to recover from all popular email programs and major drive types including malfunctioning, damaged, formatted and repartitioned drives and devices.
The iolo Search and Recover 5 comes with easy-to-use interface that allows to quickly sorting through irrelevant files to rescue precious data. In addition, iolo Search and Recover has improved recovery algorithms, data imaging, data security function, and expanded file-type and media support for more efficient recovery of specific file types. Other prominent features include Outlook recovery, secure file deletion option, File Terminator, StrongScan technology, and SmartScan technology that can scan and allocate deleted files.

Features of iolo Search and Recover 5:

  • Finds and recovers deleted or damaged data from all drives and format types
  • Recovers from all popular e-mail programs including Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Netscape Mail and Eudora
  • Even recovers data from malfunctioning, damaged, formatted, and repartitioned drives and devices
  • Enhanced preview technology allows to see, hear or read multimedia files before recovering them physically
  • Turn frustration to triumph in seconds
  • Convenient TotalRecovery
  • StrongScan technology finds more lost or deleted files than other recovery products
  • Upgraded interface enables intuitive operation and fast access to the data
  • Improved data security function that permanently delete any file or folder
  • Improved data imaging lets create virtual drives or backup copies from any hard drive, CD or DVD, as well as from damaged or inaccessible media

iolo Search and Recover 5 normally cost $39.95 for a 12-month subscription. As part of promotional offer, anybody now can grab the Search and Recover 5 with free 1-year genuine legitimate activation serial license key.

  1. Go to the promotional page to grab the free 1 year Search and Recover 5 activation key:

  2. Click “Continue” button to go to next page and click on “Secure Checkout”

    Note: You will enter the iolo shopping cart as part of this process, but your credit card will NOT be charged.

  3. Enter the name, email address, and other information, then click “Continue” button.

  4. Now will be forwarded to email delivery method web page where need to click the “Continue” button.

    Note: Select Email Delivery which is free as the shipping method receive the iolo Search and Recover 5 license key via email. Postal delivery is not free.

  5. In review your order page, which will show the billing summary and shipping summary. Click on “Place Order” button.

  6. Check the mailbox, the email from iolo technologies will receive with the subject “Thank you for ordering from iolo technologies, #2101XXXXXXX”.

  7. Download and install iolo Search and Recover 5: SearchAndRecover.exe
  8. During Installation select “I own Search and Recover and can enter my serial number later” option, and click”Next” button.

  9. Enter the activation key at the next window to enjoy the fully licensed iolo Search and Recover 5 for 12-month subscription.

iolo Search and Recover 5 supports Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.

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Using iWork as an image editor

I recently noted the image-editing functionality of, which can act as a "good enough" image editor for many that don't have access to Photoshop. While it's difficult to argue with the free price tag, Preview is not without its limitations. Fortunately, many of these limitations are unlocked if you happen to own Apple's iWork suite, which in its own right can serve as an image editor for the budget-minded.Read on to see how to use iWork in this unconventional way.

The three components of iWork -- Pages, Keynote and Numbers -- each serve different purposes. Pages is an alternative to Microsoft Word, and Keynote and Numbers can be seen as respective alternatives to Microsoft's PowerPoint and Excel. Despite their respective core competencies, each app has page layout functionality. And this page layout capability serves as canvas of sorts, providing you a space to edit your images. Among these editing features are the ability to add or manipulate:

  • Text Boxes
  • Shapes
  • Shadows
  • Angle-based image rotation
  • Reflections
  • Opacity
  • Instant Alpha

Although Pages, Keynote and Numbers are separate apps, the image editing functionality within each is nearly identical; in fact, I haven't been able to spot the differences, if indeed they do exist. For the purpose of this demo, I'm going to choose the Page Layout template in Pages. However, if you choose Keynote, you'll want to delete the preset text boxes that will accompany the first slide. Likewise, if you choose Numbers, choose the blank spreadsheet, and then delete the table in the first spreadsheet.

Here I am in Pages's page layout view with a stock photo of Apple's MacBook Pro line taken from Apple's website. I'd like to add some copy to accompany the image. To do this, I'll need to click on the Text Box button on the menu bar; alternatively, I could add text within a shape via the Shapes button.

Perhaps this image would look a bit nicer with a shadow and reflection. To do this, I just need to select the image and enable Shadow and Reflection on the menu bar.
But if I want more granular control of shadows and reflections, as well as other attributes (such as image opacity and the angle of the image), I can get to them by clicking on the Inspector button and clicking on the Graphic Inspector pane within it.

That's more like it. I think I'm done.

Like Preview and iPhoto, you can adjust other image attributes (such as saturation, contrast and exposure) via the Adjust Image palette. this is accessible on the menu via View > Adjust Image.

Now that I'm complete with my editing, I'll need to save it as an image. Since selecting Save within Pages, Keynote, or Numbers will result in the image getting saved in the respective native file formats of those apps, I'll need to move this image over to Preview. To do this, select all of the elements in the newly edited picture and click on copy. Then launch Preview and select New from Clipboard from the FIle menu. This will bring all of the elements over to Preview as a flattened image. Alternatively, one can choose to export the document as a PDF, cropping it in Preview, and saving it as your desired image format.

As with many Apple products, the UI plays a major role in making for a more pleasurable experience. This ethos is certainly evident across the iWork suite, resulting in a very similar and seamless workflow within all three apps. Hence, I was able to illustrate the image editing features just using Pages.

By no means is iWork a replacement for Photoshop, Photoshop Elements or Pixelmator. But for the $79 price tag of iWork, you certainly get much more than just an office productivity suite.

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Leaked: BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac

Time to rejoice Mac users, today is your day. That is because the BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac has just been leaked. It is important to note this is version 1.0.0 and it's still in the beta phase so you may get some bugs.
For years now Mac users have been left out in the cold when it comes to the BlackBerry Desktop Manager. It really does make you wonder what took RIM so long to develop a compatible Mac version. In the long run it may have paid off because of the amount of time they have had to work and perfect it. The BlackBerry Desktop manager for Mac lets you sync your iTunes playlists, contacts, tasks, apps and more.
One thing is for sure Mac owners who previously stayed away from BlackBerry because of this might just be changing their mind.

Download BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac
Alternate Link

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Manic Time

Manic Time is a free program which automatically logs your computer activity and gives you a breakdown of how you spend your time. It’s not a new idea, we first covered Rescue Time way back in 2007, but this is an interesting take on the subject.
You can tag your activities to make them easier to track, and you get lovely coloured charts to prove that you’re really spending a huge amount of time working and not goofing off on Reddit, so that should please the boss. Arf!
ManicTime has been designed to make it easy for you to find out how you spend your time. You can easily find out how much time you spend behind a computer or how much time you spend browsing the web. It will help you learn which applications you use regularly and which are just collecting dust.
Time tagging allows you to see how you spent your time based on your own time tags. So based on your time tags you are able to see for example how much time you spent on a certain project or even a specific feature.

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3 Simple Free Virtual Drive Tools To Mount Disks & Iso Images

ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization. You wouldn’t know it but it’s one of the most powerful non-governmental organizations in the world. These are the guys who set the universal benchmarks known as ISO standards.
Why are we discussing a world body in a tech site? It’s because they lend their name to a well known file format too.
The ISO file (.iso) is just an archive file format of an optical disk. It can be said to be an exact clone of a file system because it’s a byte for byte copy of a disk with all of its data and metadata. It’s a popular format for downloads and transport over the internet.
Anyone who has downloaded a game, anOS like a Linux distro, or an OS update would know them by sight. Also, being an open standard format along with another called UDF it’s supported by all optical disc software.

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Nvidia GeForce 190.40 Driver Leaked

Enabling more fun in the sun for Nvidia card owners, a new GeForce driver has slipped through the Santa Clara Green Goblin’s fingers and made its way online.
Sourced by the XFastest crew, the GeForce 190.40 includes the PhysX System Software version 9.09.0428, is dated July 21st (the 190.30 WHQL is signed on July 14), and has support for the GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, and 200 series graphics cards, as well as the latest IGPs. The leaked and loaded GeForce 190.40 can be downloaded via the following links:

GeForce 190.40 beta (Windows XP 32bit)
GeForce 190.40 beta (Windows XP 64bit)
GeForce 190.40 beta (
Windows Vista/7 32bit)
GeForce 190.40 beta (Windows Vista/7 64bit)

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Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition Photo Leaked

Last week there are too many roumers about the Nokia new devices and many of channels published the photos of several unannounced Nokia devices including the Nokia N97.One of those devices was a Nokia 5800-looking device with a silver trim. Many of us guessing that it was a 5900 but its announced as Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition on friday.

The New Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition will comes with some lovely features like guidance software Ovi maps with a lifetime of voice-guided Drive and Walk navigation, in-box car charger and Nokia car kit.5800 Navigator will expected in the third quarter of 2009 for the price of 285 Euros before subsidies.
let see whats will come at the end. share your opinion and initiate discussion.

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Wifi Hacks 2009 AIO
Thsi object has mass changed tools to hack adn craze wifi so ytou can habit your neighbors internet anbd effect whatever Tools for Windows and Linux further smoe gratifyingly strikingly tools!.

Download Wifi Hacks 2009 AIO (Rapidshare):

Download: Wifi Hacks 2009 AIO

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Net Tools 5.0 : The Ultimate Hacking Kit

Net Tools 5.0 : The Ultimate Hacking Kit

Net Tools is cutting-edge security and network monitoring software for the Internet and Local Area Networks, providing clients with the ability and confidence to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s technology. Keeping pace with the industry trends, we offer professional tools that support the latest standards, protocols, software, and hardware for both wired and wireless networks. The main goal is the creation of high quality software. Net Tools is a very strong combination of network scanning, security, file, system, and administrator tools useful in diagnosing networks and monitoring your PC and computer’s network connections for system administrators. Next to the essential core tools it includes a lot of extra valuable features. It’s a Swiss Army knife for everyone interested in a set of powerful network tools for everyday use. This all-in-one toolkit includes also a lot of handy file and system utilities next to the huge amount of network tools. The menus are fully configurable,

so in this way you won’t get lost in the extremely large amount of essential tools. All the additional features will make this application a must have for all system administrators. There are numerous constructive and valuable applications included in Net Tools that can be used for a great amount of purposes. The latest version of Net Tools is hybrid; it means that it’s capable of working together with applications that are made and designed for Net Tools, so in this way more flexibility and user-friendliness is obtained. This software is designed for the Microsoft Windows OS (Windows 98, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista). It’s entirely compatible and has thoroughly been tested on Windows XP. With the 175+ tools it is a great collection of useful tools for network users. The size of Net Tools 5.0.70 is approximately 25 Mb.


Net Tools 5.0 (build 70) contains a whole variety of network tools. Here is a list of the most important tools:

1) IP Address Scanner
2) IP Calculator
3) IP Converter
4) Port Listener
5) Port Scanner
6) Ping
7) NetStat (2 ways)
8) Trace Route (2 ways)
9) TCP/IP Configuration
10) Online – Offline Checker
11) Resolve Host & IP
12) Time Sync
13) Whois & MX Lookup
14) Connect0r
15) Connection Analysator and protector
16) Net Sender
17) E-mail seeker
18) Net Pager
19) Active and Passive port scanner
20) Spoofer
21) Hack Trapper
22) HTTP flooder (DoS)
23) Mass Website Visiter
24) Advanced Port Scanner
25) Trojan Hunter (Multi IP)
26) Port Connecter Tool
27) Advanced Spoofer
28) Advanced Anonymous E-mailer
29) Simple Anonymous E-mailer
30) Anonymous E-mailer with Attachment Support
31) Mass E-mailer
32) E-mail Bomber
33) E-mail Spoofer
34) Simple Port Scanner (fast)
35) Advanced Netstat Monitoring
36) X Pinger
37) Web Page Scanner
38) Fast Port Scanner
39) Deep Port Scanner
40) Fastest Host Scanner (UDP)
41) Get Header
42) Open Port Scanner
43) Multi Port Scanner
44) HTTP scanner (Open port 80 subnet scanner)
45) Multi Ping for Cisco Routers
46) TCP Packet Sniffer
47) UDP flooder
48) Resolve and Ping
49) Multi IP ping
50) File Dependency Sniffer
51) EXE-joiner (bind 2 files)
52) Encrypter
53) Advanced Encryption
54) File Difference Engine
55) File Comparasion
56) Mass File Renamer
57) Add Bytes to EXE
58) Variable Encryption
59) Simple File Encryption
60) ASCII to Binary (and Binary to ASCII)
61) Enigma
62) Password Unmasker
63) Credit Card Number Validate and Generate
64) Create Local HTTP Server
65) eXtreme UDP Flooder
66) Web Server Scanner
67) Force Reboot
68) Webpage Info Seeker
69) Bouncer
70) Advanced Packet Sniffer
71) IRC server creater
72) Connection Tester
73) Fake Mail Sender
74) Bandwidth Monitor
75) Remote Desktop Protocol Scanner
76) MX Query
77) Messenger Packet Sniffer
78) API Spy
79) DHCP Restart
80) File Merger
81) E-mail Extractor (crawler / harvester bot)
82) Open FTP Scanner
83) Advanced System Locker
84) Advanced System Information
85) CPU Monitor
86) Windows Startup Manager
87) Process Checker
88) IP String Collecter
89) Mass Auto-Emailer (Database mailer; Spammer)
90) Central Server (Base Server; Echo Server; Time Server; Telnet Server; HTTP Server; FTP Server)
91) Fishing Port Scanner (with named ports)
92) Mouse Record / Play Automation (Macro Tool)
93) Internet / LAN Messenger Chat (Server + Client)
94) Timer Shutdown/Restart/Log Off/Hibernate/Suspend/ Control
95) Hash MD5 Checker
96) Port Connect – Listen tool
97) Internet MAC Address Scanner (Multiple IP)
98) Connection Manager / Monitor
99) Direct Peer Connecter (Send/Receive files + chat)
100) Force Application Termination (against Viruses and Spyware)
101) Easy and Fast Screenshot Maker (also Web Hex Color Picker)
102) COM Detect and Test
103) Create Virtual Drives
104) URL Encoder
105) WEP/WPA Key Generator
106) Sniffer.NET
107) File Shredder
108) Local Access Enumerater
109) Steganographer (Art of hiding secret data in pictures)
110) Subnet Calculater
111) Domain to IP (DNS)
112) Get SNMP Variables
113) Internet Explorer Password Revealer
114) Advanced Multi Port Scanner
115) Port Identification List (+port scanner)
116) Get Quick Net Info
117) Get Remote MAC Address
118) Share Add
119) Net Wanderer
120) WhoIs Console
121) Cookies Analyser
122) Hide Secret Data In Files
123) Packet Generator
124) Secure File Splitting
125) My File Protection (Password Protect Files, File Injections)
126) Dynamic Switch Port Mapper
127) Internet Logger (Log URL)
128) Get Whois Servers
129) File Split&Merge
130) Hide Drive
131) Extract E-mails from Documents
132) Net Tools Mini (Client/Server, Scan, ICMP, Net Statistics, Interactive, Raw Packets, DNS, Whois, ARP, Computer’s IP, Wake On LAN)
133) Hook Spy
134) Software Uninstaller
135) Tweak & Clean XP
136) Steganographic Random Byte Encryption
137) NetTools Notepad (encrypt your sensitive data)
138) File Encrypter/Decrypter
139) Quick Proxy Server
140) Connection Redirector (HTTP, IRC, … All protocols supported)
141) Local E-mail Extractor
142) Recursive E-mail Extractor
143) Outlook Express E-mail Extractor
144) Telnet Client
145) Fast Ip Catcher
146) Monitor Host IP
147) FreeMAC (MAC Address Editor)
148) QuickFTP Server (+user accounts support)
149) NetTools Macro Recorder/Player (Keybord and Mouse Hook)
150) Network Protocol Analyzer
151) Steganographic Tools (Picture, Sounds, ZIP Compression and Misc Methods)
152) WebMirror (Website Ripper)
153) GeoLocate IP
154) Google PageRank Calculator
155) Google Link Crawler (Web Result Grabber)
156) Network Adapter Binder
157) Remote LAN PC Lister
158) Fast Sinusoidal Encryption
159) Software Scanner
160) Fast FTP Client
161) Network Traffic Analysis
162) Network Traffic Visualiser
163) Internet Protocol Scanner
164) Net Meter (Bandwidth Traffic Meter)
165) Net Configuration Switcher
166) Advanced System Hardware Info
167) Live System Information
168) Network Profiler
169) Network Browser
170) Quick Website Maker and Web Gallery Creator
171) Remote PC Shutdown
172) Serial Port Terminal
173) Standard Encryptor
174) Tray Minimizer
175) Extra Tools (nmap console & win32 version)

Many extra features and utilities are included in this package!

Net Tools 5.0 : The Ultimate Hacking Kit

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Garena Hack 5.7c

Garena Hack 5.7c

Released a new Garena Hack 5.7c.

Garena Hack 5.7c:
- Protection not see running hacks
- Hack is running version 1.23 & 1.24
- No message at the beginning where it is written that your ACC banned ..
- Gold 100 Exp 15 min Basic 50 exp even when you do not play
- No need to wait 5 seconds that would go into the room
- Flooding can be non-stop

Instructions for use:
1) Run the downloaded file in garena.exe folder and log in using your login Garen
2) In the folder with the downloaded Garena Haq Find the file Launch.bat through it we will run!
3) After clicking on Launch.bat blue window will appear where you must select the option for which version Var3 its run or even separately!
4) In this blue box, click 1 and enter, then we test fails, skip it and press any key)
5) Everything is ready:
Go through Launch.bat only the folder.

Size: 13.03 Mb



Garena Hack 5.7c Fast Download

Garena Hack 5.7c Alternative Link

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Garena Hack v3.3 | Warcraft 1.24b Maphack

The New Garena Hack 3.3 is released by GarenaHack-er, this version has built in Custom Kick, Diabolic Warcraft 3 Toolkit and Warcraft 1.24b maphack.
You can use
this Garena Hack with any Garena update. There are no MEGA Exp in this Garena Hack, even the original one doesn't have it. Read the guide and download the Garena Hack v3.3 with Warcraft 1.24b maphack.
Step by Step Guide (for noobs):

• Download GarenaHack_4.04_v3.exe from the link above.

• Install it in your Garena Folder.

• After installing run "GarenaHack" from Desktop. (see icon imge on right)

• A pop-up will appear, just click "YES"

• Now click, "Start Garena Hack v3.3"

• Garena Hack window will pop-up.

• Now click "Start Garena Client - MapHack 1.24b - Custom Kick"

• A pop-up window will appear, click start..

• Another pop-up will appear, but this time you know what to do ^^.

• Run Garena hack by following the steps above, stricly
• GarenaHack.exe and Garena.exe must not be in same directory (it must be in a sub-directory), if you see this, delete the folder, and reinstall Garena & Garenahack.
• There is no MegaEXP in this hack.
• There is no virus in this hack, if your antivirus say anything, just disable it.
• If any Garena update comes, * Update it normally but after the update, when the Garena client is started automatically again, close it, and the click "Start Garena" again from the GarenaHack. If you don't do this probably nothing will happen. But it's best if you do this.


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