Manic Time
Manic Time is a free program which automatically logs your computer activity and gives you a breakdown of how you spend your time. It’s not a new idea, we first covered Rescue Time way back in 2007, but this is an interesting take on the subject.
You can tag your activities to make them easier to track, and you get lovely coloured charts to prove that you’re really spending a huge amount of time working and not goofing off on Reddit, so that should please the boss. Arf!
ManicTime has been designed to make it easy for you to find out how you spend your time. You can easily find out how much time you spend behind a computer or how much time you spend browsing the web. It will help you learn which applications you use regularly and which are just collecting dust.
Time tagging allows you to see how you spent your time based on your own time tags. So based on your time tags you are able to see for example how much time you spent on a certain project or even a specific feature.
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