Search and Organize in Windows Vista
Explore the new Windows Vista start menu.
Looking for specific applications, Web sites, and e-mails
is faster than ever with the streamlined Windows Vista
start menu. To find a specific application or file, click the
Windows key on the keyboard (or open the start menu)
and enter the file name in the Instant Search field. As
you type, Windows Vista dynamically searches filenames,
metadata, and the full text of all files and displays the
choices by file type. For example, type “out” to find
Microsoft® Outlook®.
Discover the new Vista search explorer.
Try filtering by type using the search pane and selecting
Documents. Next choose to see your files in another way,
via the new stack view. Select the author column header
control drop down menu, and choose the option to Stack
by author. Explore all the documents by a particular
author by double clicking on an author’s stack. Now, save
that search as a new search folder. Choose the option
Save Search found on the top command bar and name
and save your search folder. In the future, to
re-run it, simply select the Searches folder link on the
left side navigation pane, and double click on your search
Experience the enhanced user interface.
If your PC supports the Windows® Aero™ user experience,
open multiple files and see how easy it is to locate the
right open window using the breakthrough Windows Flip
(simply ALT+TAB) or Flip 3D (Windows key+TAB).
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